Salvaging items
Players can use the Blacksmith to salvage unwanted items for Crafting Materials, which are needed to upgrade other items. Also, salvaging certain items unlocks their transmog.
Salvage UI
The Blacksmith provides 2 ways to salvage items:
- Individually via the ax icon: click the ax icon to individually salvage items in the inventory screen. Note: players will receive a warning prompt before salvaging any Legendary or Unique items.
- By item quality button: quickly salvages all items of a certain quality (besides Legendary and Unique). There's also options for "All Junk," which salvages all player-marked junk items, and "All Items."

Crafting Materials from salvaging
Armor salvage materials
Item type | Crafting Material |
Common Armor | 1-2x Rawhide |
Magic Armor | 1-2x Rawhide or 1x Superior Leather |
Rare Armor | 1-2x Rawhide or 1x Veiled Crystal |
Legendary Armor | 1-2x Rawhide or 1x Veiled Crystal or Coiling Ward |
Weapons salvage materials
Item type | Crafting Material |
Common Weapon | 1-2x Iron Chunk |
Magic Weapon | 1-2x Iron Chunk or 1x Silver Ore |
Rare Weapon | 1-2x Iron Chunk or 1x Veiled Crystal |
Legendary Weapon | 1-2x Iron Chunk or 1x Veiled Crystal or 1x Baleful Fragment |
Jewelry salvage materials
Item type | Crafting Material |
Common Jewelry | 1-2x Iron Chunk |
Magic Jewelry | 1-2x Iron Chunk or 1x Silver Ore |
Rare Jewelry | 1-2x Iron Chunk or 1x Veiled Crystal |
Legendary Jewelry | 1-2x Iron Chunk or 1x Veiled Crystal or 1x Abstruse Sigil |

Salvaging items for transmog
Items that have a cosmetic look (i.e., transmog) that a player doesn't already have in their Wardrobe will display an "Unlocks new look on salvage" message at the bottom of their item description:

Once the item is salvaged, the player can go to their Wardrobe and select that item's look to show in the appropriate slot.
TOPRepairing items
Because items in Diablo 4 have durability, players will have to occasionally visit the Blacksmith to repair their items for Gold. This is especially true after Boss and World Boss fights, when players are likely to die and lose 10% durability across all their items (for each death). If an item reaches 0% durability, it's considered broken and no longer contributes to the player's stats.
Repair UI
Similar to the Blacksmith's salvage UI, the repair one gives players 2 methods:
- Individually via the hammer icon: click the hammer icon to individually repair items in the inventory screen.
- All Equipped or All Items buttons: quickly repairs all currently equipped items or all items (i.e., also includes unequipped items in the player's inventory).

Repair cost
Repairing items costs Gold, with the price dependent on:
- Durability level: the lower this is, the more expensive
- Item's Item Power: the higher this is, the more expensive
Upgrading items
Players can use the Blacksmith to upgrade their items a limited number of times. Each upgrade provides a dramatic increase to the item's power, adding +5 to Item Power and increasing base and affix stats. Before upgrading, players can preview the upgrade before commiting to it.
Item Levels
The number of times an item can be upgraded (i.e., Item Levels) is based on the item's quality:
Quality | Item Lvls |
Rare | 3 |
Legendary | 4 |
Unique | 4 |
Item upgrade cost
Upgrading items is costly, especially to Item Levels 3 and 4. In addition to costing large amounts of Gold, players will also pay Crafting Materials to perform the upgrade.
Armor upgrade cost
Item type | Material needed |
Armor Level 1 | Iron Chunk |
Armor Level 2 | Iron Chunk, Superior Leather |
Armor Level 3 | Iron Chunk, Superior Leather, Veiled Crystal |
Armor Level 4 | Iron Chunk, Superior Leather, Veiled Crystal, Coiling Ward |
Weapon upgrade cost
Item type | Material needed |
Weapon Level 1 | Iron Chunk |
Weapon Level 2 | Iron Chunk, Silver Ore |
Weapon Level 3 | Iron Chunk, Silver Ore, Veiled Crystal |
Weapon Level 4 | Iron Chunk, Silver Ore, Veiled Crystal, Baleful Fragment |
Upgrade example: Legendary Two-Handed Mace
Right before Open Beta ended and characters were wiped, we spent 400,000 Gold and dozens of rare Crafting Materials to take a Legendary item from unupgraded status to fully upgraded (Item Level 4). Below is how much each Item Level cost:
Item Lvl | Gold | Materials |
1 | 15,000 | 14x Iron Chunk |
2 | 30,000 | 14x Iron Chunk, 8x Silver Ore |
3 | 85,000 | 24x Iron Chunk, 12x Silver Ore, 8x Veiled Crystal |
4 | 270,000 | 30x Iron Chunk, 14x Silver Ore, 16x Veiled Crystal, 4x Baleful Fragment |

Blacksmith locations
On the town map, Blacksmiths are shown as a hammer and anvil icon.
Fractured Peaks
Bear Tribe Refuge
- Grethe
- Zivek

- Virsek
- Obrusz
- Alina
- Laslo
- Anniva
Ver | Change | Date | |
Beta | Refreshed guide with Open Beta Blacksmith information | ||
Beta | Published original |