Hardcore Mode

Hardcore Mode will return and pay homage to past Diablo games. Die once and start over fresh.

PvP is done on the Fields of Hatred, where Seeds of Hatred are collected and purified for a reward.

Diablo 4's diverse classes and lack of loading screens will hopefully make the game friendlier for speedrunners.
Solo-self found

There's no official Solo Self-found Mode in Diablo 4, but nothing stops you from playing in a similar fashion.
Multiple ways to play
Staying true to the franchise, Diablo 4 will feature Hardcore Mode, which forces a player to restart if they die once. The mode is popular with Twitch and YouTube streamers. The game will also feature PvP, an optional mode done in a dedicated zone, called the Fields of Hatred. Elements of Diablo 4, like no loading screens and the addition of mounts, will make the game attractive for speedrunning, which is also a top draw on Twitch and YouTube.