Mount Cosmetics
Mount Armor

Players can get Mount Armor from a handful of sources, including Challenges and Monster drops.
Mount Trophies

Mount Trophies attach to the side of a horse and can prove a player completed a hard-earned Challenge.
Mount types

Diablo 4 has dozens of different horse breeds for players to find and earn. Some horses are even undead.
Character Cosmetics
Back Trophies

Back Trophies are cosmetic items worn on a player's back. They range from shields to pets in packs.
Cosmetic Sets

Cosmetic bundles are purchased with real money via the Cosmetics Shop. They're Class-based and untradable.

Headstones appear over a player's body after death. Custom Headstones come from the Cosmetics Shop.
Deck out your character and horse
Diablo 4 allows players to customize the look of their character and Mount more than any other Diablo game. In addition to Cosmetic Armor and Weapon items, which can be displayed on the character via transmog, there's also purely Cosmetic items, like Back Trophies, Headstones, Mount Armor, and Mount Trophies.