What services does the Stable Master offer?
The Stable Master allows a player to alter the look of their Mount. Currently, all changes made to Mounts at the Stable Master are cosmetic-only, providing no power boost to the Mount. Stable Masters are available in all Regional Capitals (e.g., Kyovashad) and some Towns.

Change Mount
The Stable Master provides an interface to change a player's horse breed, which are acquired via the Cosmetics Shop, Monster drops, PvP, Seasonal content, etc. Note that horses from the Cosmetics Shop and Promotions will have a small, white cards icon in the lower-left of their preview icon.

Change Mount Armor
Players can also change their horse's Mount Armor or select none with the 'X' option.

Change Mount Trophy
Mount Trophies, usually displayed on the horse's hip, add a personal touch to a player's horse.

Mount preview
Each time a player clicks a new Mount option in the Stable Master's UI, they can see the changes updated live on their horse. While there's no "Confirm" button, players can click on the "X" in the upper-left corner to automatically save their Mount's look.

Stable Master Mount items
The Stable Master has a "Vendor" tab, where players can purchase 2 Mount-related items. Blizzard will likely add more items in future Seasons and Expansions.
Grey Steed Mount
For 20,000 Gold, players can purchase the sleek-looking Grey Steed Mount.

Sturdy Saddle Armor
Also, the Stable Master offers a Mount Armor, the Sturdy Saddle, for 63,622 Gold.

Will Mount items ever add power?
In 2019, early in Diablo 4's development, Blizzard was quoted saying that Mount items, like Armor, Hoofplates (didn't make it into release), and Saddles, could affect a horse's defense and speed. The full version of the game, however, had these items as cosmetic-only, so perhaps Blizzard is saving power-boosting Mount items for a Season or Expansion.

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