Gameplay settings in Diablo 4

Full list of Diablo 4 gameplay settings

Gameplay Settings

Screen Shake Effects

Enables a screen shake effect for certain Skills and abilities.

  • On
  • Off

Combat Hit Flash

Toggles whether charcters show a hit flash when hitting an enemy.

  • On
  • Off

Reduce Strobing

Disables various lighting effects, reducing the amount of strobing.

  • On
  • Off

Highlight Player When Obscured

Draws a highlight around a character when obscured from vision.

  • On
  • Off

Show All Damage Numbers

Determines whether every character's hit damage is shown or just special hits (e.g., Critical Strikes).

  • On: All damage dealt by a character is shown as floating numbers.
  • Off: Only damage from special hits are shown as floating numbers.

Show All Tutorials

Decides whether a player is shown all tutorials.

  • On: All tutorials are shown.
  • Off: Only tutorials for Diablo 4's new features are shown.

Advanced Tooltip Compare

Enables extra information when comparing two items.

  • On: When comparing items' tooltips, their properties gained, lost, and changes to equipped Skills are displayed.
  • Off: When comparing items' tooltips, just their primary stats are displayed.

Advanced Tooltip Information

Displays advanced tooltip information, like item affix ranges, Lucky Hit Chance for Skills, and whether modifications are additive (+) or multiplicative (x).

  • On
  • Off

HUD Configuration

Determines the location of the Life, Resource, and Skills bar.

  • Centered
  • Left Corner

Item Label Duration on Drop

Decides the amount of time item labels appear after dropping on the ground.

  • Slider bar with range of 0 - 10

Item Label Duration on Drop

Changes the behavior of the "Show Items on Ground: key binding.

  • Push to show
  • Push to Toggle (On/Off)
  • Push to show for 10 seconds

Skill Toggle Behavior

Allows players to change the input of Channeled and Repeating Skills.

  • Hold All: Channeling or repeating Skills requires holding the Skill input.
  • Toggle Sustained Skills: Channeled Skills, such as Incinerate and Whirlwind, can be toggled on and off. Repeated Skills require holing the Skill input.
  • Toggle All: Channeling or Repeating Skills can be toggled on and off.

Action Wheel Activation

Determines how input is handled for the Action Wheel.

  • Hold: Use the Action Wheel by pressing and holding the Action Wheel key.
  • Toggle: Press the Action Wheel key to toggle the wheel on and off. Using the Action Wheel doesn't require holind the key.

Hold Position Mode

Decides how input is handled for the Hold Position.

  • Hold: Activate Hold Position key by keeping the Hold Position key pressed.
  • Toggle: Press the Hold Position key to toggle Holding on and off.

Display Minion Health Bars

Enables health bars above summoned minions (e.g., the Necromancer's Skeletal Warriors).

  • On
  • Off

Monster Health Bar Option

Defines how monster health bars are shown.

  • Hover only
  • Always On
  • Always Off

Highlights Settings

Display Player Highlight

The player's character is highlighted by a color.

  • On
  • Off

Player Highlight Color

Controls the color of the character's highlight.

  • Choice of colors

NPC Highlight Color

Controls the color of NPCs' highlight.

  • Choice of colors

Enemy Highlight Color

Controls the color of enemies' highlight.

  • Choice of colors

Object Highlight Color

Controls the color of objects' highlight.

  • Choice of colors
Diablo 4 SteelSeries hardware
D4 Aerox 5 Mouse SteelSeries Aerox 5 Wireless Diablo 4 mouse
D4 Arctis Nova 7 SteelSeries Arctis Nova 7 Diablo 4 headset
D4 QcK Mousepad SteelSeries QcK Diablo 4 gaming surface
Xiphoid Barbarian avatar

Xiphoid has been playing Diablo since the original's release in 1997. He made one of the largest Age of Empires sites in the late-'90s and early-'00s. Now, he runs, a premier Diablo 4 fansite.


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